How Can I Get A Chinese Green Card?


“I have been in China for six years and have been doing business here. What do I need to do if I want to get a Chinese green card?”



“I am a teacher. I have obtained a work visa. How can I get a Chinese Green Card?”



“My Chinese wife and I got married last year. I want to get a Chinese green card. What do I need to do?”


So, as a foreigner in China, what are the requirements for applying for a green card? Today, we will talk about the first situation of applying for a green card.

作为一名在华的外籍人士,申请绿卡需要满足什么条件? 今天我们就给大家谈谈其中可申请绿卡的情况第一种!

For foreign nationals who are investors in China, the conditions for applying for a green card are as follows:


Applicants must meet all of the following conditions (The number of years referred to in these conditions refers to the number of consecutive years prior to the date of application):Aliens who make direct investments in China stably for three consecutive years and have good taxpaying record, their spouses and children (under the age of 18 and unmarried).

The aliens referred to in this article shall belong to one of the following categories in terms of the investment actually made;



1) Those whose investment is more than 500,000 U.S. dollars in the industries listed in ‘Guidance directory of Industry of foreign investment” promulgated by the country;

1. 国家颁布的《外商投资产业指导目录》鼓励类产业投资合计50万美元以上;

2) Those whose investment is more than 500,000 U.S. dollars to western regions of China or to key counties listed in the state poverty alleviation and development projects;

2. 在中国西部地区和国家扶贫开发工作重点县投资合计50万美元以上;

3) Those whose investment is more than one million U.S. dollars to central regions of China;

3. 在中国中部地区投资合计100万美元以上;

4) Those whose investment is more than two million U.S. dollars to China.

4. 在中国投资合计200万美元以上。

Hello, everyone. In fact, after we published the article: How Can I Get A Chinese Green Card??? PART 1, we received many different kinds of questions. What are the categories that meet the requirements of green card application? What documents should be prepared for green card application?

大家好,事实上,在上一期绿卡系列文章发布后,我们收到了各色各样不同的提问。究竟符合绿卡申请的情况有哪些呢? 基本要准备什么资料?

Today, welcome to the second part of Green Card Application Series. Let’s tell you who is qualified of applying for the Chinese “Green Card”? And what requirements should be met for the green card application?

今天欢迎大家继续阅读我们申请绿卡系列的文章第二篇。我们和大家科普一下,目前符合绿卡申请的通常有哪几种情况,以及第二种绿卡的申请, 要满足什么条件。


1) Applicants who made a large direct investment. (Click to read the article: How Can I Get A Chinese Green Card??? PART 1)

2) Applicants who are technicians or teaching staff who meet certain conditions.

3) Applicants who married Chinese spouse and aim to reunit with families.

4) Applicants who meet salary requirements and pay personal income tax to a certain extent every year.





Of course, these are the common situations for green card applications. After that, we will also release additional information about green card applications. If you are interested, you can pay more attention to our future articles!


Today, we are going to talk about the second part:  Applicants who are technicians or teaching staff who meet certain conditions.

而今天,我们要谈的就是第二部分: 申请人为满足一定条件的技术人员,或者教职人员。

Applicants must meet all of the following conditions (The years mentioned in these conditions refer to the consecutive years prior to the date of application):


1. You must abide by Chinese laws, be in good health and have no criminal record.


2. Worked as a deputy general manager, deputy factory director or above or of associate professor, associate research fellow and other associate senior titles of professional post or above or enjoying an equal treatment  for four consecutive years.


3. You shall be employed by institutions that come into the following categories:


1) Departments directly under State Council or institutions affiliated to provincial people’s government;


2) Key institutions of higher education (those of “211” Education Project and of first-block enrollment in National Entrance Examination);


3) Enterprises and institutions carrying out national key engineering projects or major research projects;


4) Edgy and high-tech enterprises, foreign-invested ventures encouraged by the government, foreigner-invested venture with advanced technology or export-oriented foreign-invested ventures.


4. You shall have held posts for four consecutive years.


5. You shall have resided in China for no less than three years in these four years and have good taxpaying records, your spouse and children (under the age of 18 and unmarried).


6. The foreign spouse and children (under the age of 18 and unmarried) of the above mentioned personnel.


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